Our Services

Jag Worldwide Services

Supporting the Medical Device & Healthcare Industry
Distribution Management

SERVICESDistribution Management

If you intend to grow your business through International distributors our global network will make that easy for you.

We have worked in 55 countries Internationally with extensive experience in The Americas, Europe, India, China and Australasia. We can manage the Distributor network once contracts are signed and activity commences.

This role requires experience but can be part time and still be effective. We can work country, region or globally. The choice is yours and we can discuss your needs to define the best timescales and strategy to suit.

Management Support

SERVICESManagement Support

In these challenging and rapidly changing times having a resource which you can “switch on and switch off” can be beneficial to any business.

We can agree the role you need to cover and discuss the term of our agreement until you clarify your direction or find a full-time employee. Sales, Marketing, Distributor Management and Recruitment are all roles we can fill for you.

As we work closely with you and understand your needs we will often be able to help your strategic thinking to ensure a clear pathway develops for your business growth.

Investment Funding

SERVICESInvestment Funding

JAG-Venture seeks the following types of opportunities: management buy-outs and buy-ins, expansion capital and growth through acquisition.

Our target companies are offering the potential for medium term gain. The characteristics we look for in a business include: Privately owned companies with a sustainable competitive advantage.

A high quality management team with growing revenues and profitability. A clear and viable strategy for the business to develop over the period of the investment.

We are Medical Device & Healthcare Industry Experts
